IGEMS: Powerful CAD/CAM Software

CAD Platform
IGEMS Base module provides you with a powerful easy-to-use CAD system. The user interface and the action of commands are inspired by AutoCAD which means that any user with experience with AutoCAD will find it very easy to use IGEMS. IGEMS CAD allows you to create and modify geometry from scratch. You can also import DWG and DXF. Additional file support is available with the module Data Exchange.

Cam Tools
CAM Tools is a unique set of CAD commands that will save you a lot of time on preparing geometry to be machined. CAM Tools provides commands for anything from analyzing to optimize geometry.
Supported Key Features
- Multi-Sheet Nesting
- Arbitrary Shaped Sheets
- Multi-Head Control
- Variable Number of Heads
- Variable Distance Between Heads
- Common Cutline Nesting

The Organizer module is a simple but effective SQL database to store parts and other documents related to the part. Imported geometry to IGEMS can be registered into Organizer after material, thickness, quantity and other parameters are applied to the part. Filtering of specific information can be done by setting up filters for quick and easy access of parts.

5-Axis Cutting
- Program your 5-axis cutting head from 3D STEP, STL or IGES files
- Also supports rotary axis for tubes
- Create a fixture based off of the model geometry
- Supports tabs, multiple qualities, tilted piercing
- “Variable” options allows for ultimate flexibility in controlling the jet trajectory
- Adjust rapids between cuts
- 3D simulation with collision detection
- Nesting of 5-axis parts takes stream trajectory into account
SignMaker is made up of three areas, useful for working with fonts and images
- Image Tracer – Convert JPG, BMP, PNG files to vectors that can cut
- Font Tracer – Convert True Type Fonts to vectors that can be cut
- Image – Work off of an image to draw geometries

Customizable Reports
Various customizable reports are available
- Nest report, costing report, production report and more

- Create beautiful stonework and mosaic inlays with this powerful module
- Automatically separates out different areas of a drawing based upon colors representing different types of material
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Product Brochures
Get a copy of WARDJET's latest product brochure. Learn all about our extensive range of WARDJet CNC waterjets. Choose between our 6 big series - A-Series, X-Series, M-Series, H-Series, J-Series, and L-Series.